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Reiki Series: #4 Why should I choose Reiki out of so many energy healing modalities?


Updated: Sep 16, 2024

You can read the #1 article on for the Reiki series here, #2 here and #3 here.

If you prefer to watch it instead.

Why should I choose Reiki out of so many energy healing modalities?

I'm a bit suaku (limited knowledge) in this area, but let me try to list them.

There's Qi Gong, AQE, Kundalini and Spinal Energetics. There's also sound healing (sound bath) and crystal healing that's more widely known and used in general, even though I'm not sure if all people who attended know they are considered energy healing modalities as well.

As far as I know, Reiki is the least performative amongst many different energy healing modalities out there. And I also heard comment from people I know that they weren't drawn to Reiki in the first place because "I just lay down there for 1 hour/30min/15min without moving." And it does seem boring. It seems like a usual meditation that you can do by yourself.

I've actually gone for Qi Gong, AQE, Kundalini and Spinal Energetics. Generally there are a lot of movement involve, and I have to say they'd probably have more marketing material than a Reiki practitioner (I've recorded a video of me doing a Reiki session. When I post it and you think of this post, you might laugh). Moreover, comparing these to sound bath and crystal, they would have something even tangible for our mind to make sense of. You can see the crystals and singing bowls, you can hear the sound of the singing bowls, and you can even hold them in your hands. They are things your mind can comprehend, even the same for energy healing modalities that involve movements that you can see.

But does the fulfilling of senses (something to see, watch, touch) really equate to the healing capability of each modality?

No, I'm not a salesman, nor am I actually good at sales (it's actually probably one of my worst skills). But I can share with you how I objectively think of them.

No, I don't actually think one modality is better than another, and I'm not gonna talk shit about modalities that you can have something to fulfill your senses. What I wanted to say is, even though Reiki is not performative, it doesn't mean you should diss it aside and not give it a chance.

Like I shared before, you can't always comprehend energy with your usual five senses, and sometimes when you don't feel anything, doesn't mean that they are not working. And since sometimes you haven't possess the clairs to comprehend them, having something tangible you can comprehend with your usual five senses also doesn't equate to their healing abilities.

So I would actually suggest these ways to know what modality might be for you.

Try them all

There is no way you will truly experience an energy healing until you try it out for yourself. You can discuss at length with people who tried them out, or even google them, but you'll never really know until you book a session and experience it for yourself. Moreover, we all experience energy differently, so all of our experiences can be quite unique.

Monitor your Progress

So... you experienced a lot of things, or nothing, in the session. Now what? Keep monitoring how life unfolds itself after each session. It may not go the way that you think, so keep an open-mind.

Practitioners & Teacher matters more than the modalities

This, I truly believe. Each of us choose modalities that we're drawn to. It's like how you're drawn to chocolate and I'm drawn to vanilla (If you're not drawn to chocolate I'm truly sorry lol). Not one is better than another, but it's how we experience it.

For me, though, the integrity of each practitioners on their spiritual journey is important to me. Are they driven by ego? Are they judgement and even forcing things through? Do they meet me where I am? Of course, each and everyone is human, so no one is perfect. In fact, if they appear to be perfect, I might be even more wary, because it's on the opposite end of vulnerable and authenticity.

But I have to say choosing the right practitioner for you can be an abstract art, yet it can be really simple too. I made a full video about how to choose the right practitioner for you, so watch/read that one.

Your preferred modality might change overtime, and that's okay

I used to like chocolate, now I tastebuds prefer vanilla (sorry, chocolate) and that's okay too. The important thing to do is tune into your body from time-to-time, and explore different modalities with an open-mind. Allow your body to share what it prefers, and that's how you learn to lean more into your intuition.


You can read article #5 here.

This is going to be series of articles and videos to help you understand reiki, so watch this space, and subscribe to be kept in the loop when I release a new one :)

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