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Reiki Series: #5 Why are there so many types of Reiki out there? What type of Reiki do you practise?


Updated: Sep 18, 2024

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Why are there so many types of Reiki out there? What type of Reiki do you practise?

Disclaimer: I am not an expert at all of the types of Reiki out there, so I'm going to share what I know and understand.

Usui Reiki

Usui Reiki, which is the one I practise, is considered the original form of Reiki. It was developed by Mikao Usui in the early 20th century in Japan, and it focuses on energy healing through the laying of hands to channeling the universal life force energy to promote balance, relaxation, and healing.

Usui Reiki emphasizes living by five key principles, which is known as the Gokai. These principles are a form of spiritual guidance for personal development and healing.

Just for today, do not be angry



Just for today, do not worry



Just for today, be grateful



Just for today, work hard (or be diligent in your practice)



Just for today, be kind to others and self


These principles emphasize living in the present moment and cultivating positive qualities to enhance personal well-being and support healing. Also, don't take the English translation that literally, as some of the meaning are unable to be translated exactly.

Since its development, other forms of Reiki have emerged, but Usui Reiki is generally regarded as the foundational or traditional form of the practice.

For Usui Reiki, there are 4 levels/stages.

Reiki Level 1

Reiki Level 2

Reiki Level 3

Reiki Master/Teacher

Personally, I had been practising Usui Reiki Level 1 since September 2022, attained Usui Reiki Level 3 on Nov 2023, and currently pursuing to be a Reiki Teacher.

And there is a reason why the progression takes time.

Personal & Spiritual Growth: Reiki is not just a healing modality but also a spiritual practice. Each level involves a deepening of understanding and experience, which takes time. For example, Level 1 focuses more on self-healing and becoming familiar with the energy, while Level 2 teaches how to channel Reiki for others and introduces symbols. Each level has a different focus which slowly help us build foundation.

Energetic Integration: After each attunement, the process that opens a person to channel Reiki energy, the body and mind need time to adjust and integrate the higher levels of energy. Most of the time, this involves healing work and letting go of things that no longer serves us anymore. This integration period allows practitioners to become comfortable with the new energy, symbols, and techniques introduced at each stage.

Practice and Experience: It takes time to develop the sensitivity to the energy, hone the skills, and gain confidence in working with others, hence to become proficient in Reiki, practice is essential. Gaining enough practice between levels ensures the practitioner is ready for the next step.

Understanding the Principles: The Five Reiki Principles (Gokai) require reflection and application in daily life. A deep, experiential understanding of these principles helps a practitioner embody the spiritual aspects of Reiki, and it takes time.

Ethical Responsibility: As practitioners advance, they take on more responsibility—possibly teaching others or becoming Reiki Teachers themselves. This level requires a deep understanding of Reiki ethics, responsibility in healing, and teaching, which takes time to develop.

The time between levels helps ensure that each practitioner is fully prepared energetically, spiritually, and practically for the next level of Reiki.

Other forms of Reiki

Personally, I am not well-versed in other forms of Reiki. For fun, I found some websites that sells different forms of Reiki attunements that you can purchase from their site, and had purchase and tried a few of them out of curiosity, but I never really dive as deep into them as Usui Reiki.

Also, for Usui Reiki, which you will learn during your reiki healing session, or if you intend to become a practitioner, that you can set intentions as well, and can send reiki energy to it. Because where intention goes, energy flows.

On a side note, I also have heard that you can learn Usui Reiki and attunement online as well, at a very small cost. I've even heard of people who receive all attunements from Level 1 to Reiki Master/Teacher in a day.

There are so many types of reiki out there, where you can learn and receive attunements in many different ways, and it's not really my place to judge and comment. Personally, I have a lot of gratitude for the Usui Reiki that I'm practising. It's not all rainbows and unicorns all of the time, because that's not what spirituality and healing is all about. Nor is it a miraculous quick fix to get and attain what you think might grant you your 'happily every after'.

However, still, be curious, explore and keep an open-mind what different modalities and approaches might bring you. As I have said so many times already, tune into your body and psyche, and see what your intuition have to share.


On a side note, as I mentioned above, I am currently pursuing to become a Reiki Teacher (pardon me for not using the word 'master'. I feel that the word 'master' have a negative connotation to it, which I will share in the future). If you're interested to become a Reiki Practitioner yourself, whether is it for self-care or to offer it to the world, you can drop me a DM through my Instagram or subscribe to my newsletter through my website, to express your interested. :)


This is going to be series of articles and videos to help you understand reiki, so watch this space, and subscribe to be kept in the loop when I release a new one :)

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