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So I wanna talk about energy exchange.
I was planning to redo my manifestation series, because I recorded that when I first started my YouTube channel, and now I find it was a quite over the place. However I've decide to put this out there first, since the channelled message came up a few days ago.
The message I kept getting is "I am supported", but it was always a mystery to me how I am supported. I always provide a free listening ear for the people around me, sometimes psychoeducation, and sometimes just some other tips in life. At times I offer my helping hand and did not ask for anything in return. Right now, I even invested in equipment to share my knowledge on YouTube for free. I have been putting so much out there, and now... where is the return? In my human mind, I just couldn't come up with any logical sense I will get any return.
And here's the channeled message.
First of all, in energy's perspective, energy exchange is not linear, nor is it transactional.
First, let's see it in terms of 'giving' and 'receiving' perspective.
For example, if you 'give' to person A, it doesn't mean you'll get it back from person A (even though it can be). You may receive from person B. but be it whoever it is, once you give you create a 'void' in your energy field, you'll definitely receive it from someplace else.
On the flip side, if you keep focusing on receiving without giving, you'll start 'losing' things. because everything is an exchange, and your energetic field cant hold on to everything without giving.
People Pleasers
So I asked this question... then how about people pleasers? They do have the tendency to give and give and give, doesn't it mean they will receive so much more?
And when the channeled message came through, I literally laughed at the response. It was right in my face all this time and I actually missed.
"Yes, they are supported too, but not in the way they want. People pleasers don't 'give' based on what they genuinely want to give, but for fear of not pleasing the other people, and most of the time giving from a space of lack. So they when they 'give' what they don't actually want... they are gonna receive thing that they didn't want either."
So yeah, people pleasers out there who want to be manifesters, you have to keep this in mind. When you're giving, are you giving from a place of genuineness? Out of fear? Or is it even from a place of lack? Because more than just receiving what you don't want, you are also affecting your energetic field.
Energetic Field
So let's talk about your energetic field.
Your energetic field is your bank account, and each of us bank account are of different sizes. So... how can I get to bigger energetic field? (Because that's what of of us wants right? A bigger bank account)
It can be due to so many different reason. For example, your limiting belief, thinking that you'll never be rich, might make it small. Doing things out of fear, might keep it small.
On the flip side, following your heart and going against the grain of social construct, bravely walk through life and learning your life's lesson, can make it bigger, creating a bigger energy field, and in turn, bring able to manifest more into your reality.
And of course, there are so many other reasons, that is either keeping it small, or so many ways you can expand it. If you're interested, you can always reach out to me for a session, or even a discovery call.
This is going to be series of articles and videos that I share my knowledge and tips on manifestations, so watch this space, and subscribe to be kept in the loop when I release a new one :)