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Will I feel any sensation during the Reiki session?
Not necessarily, and I'm going to share a few reasons I gathered through my own observations.
Clair Senses
And now, I shall introduce you to clair senses, or some may call them psychic abilities, so that I can explain more.
You know how in our normal daily life, we use our five senses to experience life- see, hear, taste, smell, feel? This is how we experience the tangible things in life. Whereas for things that are not so tangible, like energy, instead of our usual five senses, we experience them through my clair senses.
Clairvoyance – seeing
Clairaudience – hearing
Clairsentience – feeling
Clairgustance – tasting
Clairsalience – smelling
There is more than just these. I'm just naming a few to give you an idea.
Just like our usual five senses, I believe all of us possess these clair senses to a certain degree, or even have a few dominant clairs, especially when we were younger. As we grew up and as we age, some of us may have shut them down unconsciously, or become desensitized, due to so many different reasons.
To share a little about myself, my clairempathy, clairsentience and claircognizance were extremely strong and dominant, for now, and when I was a child. But because it can get overwhelming, and when I share what I picked up, like emotions, from the people around me, I was always told I was too sensitive, I was overthinking it, and there were no 'evidence' to justify what I was saying. And through these many responses, I decided that I was crazy, and I stopped listening to my inner voice, shutting down my claircognizance. Throughout my whole life I had always struggled with clairempathy and clairsentience, especially when I used to work in a high-stressed environment, and I always had trouble discerning whether it is others emotions, or mine. I learned to desensitized myself, and always rely on coping mechanisms to tune them out, like watching TV constantly.
When I first started practising Reiki Level 1, I placed my hands on various parts of my body for one hour daily, and I felt nothing. My teacher told us that we might observe certain psychic abilities may start to open up, but it was not an overnight thing. To open up my psychic abilities was not my aim in mind at that time, but I manage to make self-care Reiki a daily routine. And as I approach Reiki Level 2, my clairs that I experienced as a child did not just came back, they actually came back stronger and clearly.
And this made me realised how we all have these clair senses already, but we may have shut them down or desensitize them to various degrees, due to many different reasons. It sometimes can be as simple as the masses out there think these are absolutely BS, and it might make you crazy to believe you have them. And while we say these, I do have clients who saw colours during the Reiki sessions (clairvoyance), some say they can feel hair standing, deep calmness, and some can even feel the pull of the energy (clairsentience).
It's fun when you see colours or feel the energy during the session. But, whether Reiki healing is effective or not has nothing to do with whether you experience any sensations. Even though, with time, with regular Reiki healing, your clair senses might open up, and more.
Then in what kind of circumstances will Reiki not work?
"Where attention goes energy flows." - James Redfield
More than just attention, your intention to receive the healing energy during the Reiki session is very important.
I once had a client who came in to prove that Reiki is a hoax. With such intention set even before the session, there is a high chance he will not be receiving the highest healing energy that he can. I also once had a few clients who came in with strong expectations on what they want, instead of with an open-mind to receive what they need.
Other times, it can be as simple as feeling nervous or anxious during the session due to the unknown. Any form of resistance might build a wall between you and the Reiki energy channeled, and might lead to a session that might not be as effective as it can be, compared to if the receiver was relaxed and open to receive.
If I can't feel sensation right from the start, then how will I know if Reiki is working for me?
Like I say, even IF you experienced any sensations during the reiki session, it doesn't symbolising that it's effective.
So even if you did experience those sensations, I would always ask my clients to keep a keen eye on life.
It can be as simple as if you hurt your leg and you came for a Reiki session, just observe its healing process. If you feel like you always attract the wrong people into your life, observe did anyone come and go. Or even, observe if the relationship dynamic had changed at all.
And even more so, I will always advise my client to keep a keen observation of their inner world. Do you feel you have more clarity with your thought forms and mindset, did you develop a wider capacity for emotional tolerance? And did you manage to response differently than before? In fact, these, would be more important than life suddenly become miraculously good without any changes on your part.
It's akin to buying a good luck charm and wishing you would strike a windfall and call it a day (even though that would be nice). But having an actual change in your inner world, would create a more sustainable change and improvement to your life.
I always compare Reiki to consuming vegetables or TCM. It takes time to see improvement, but the improvement are more sustainable even though they might take a more time.
This is going to be series of articles and videos to help you understand reiki, so watch this space, and subscribe to be kept in the loop when I release a new one :)